This program is specifically designed to help coaches, consultants, and service providers get more high-value / high-ticket clients.
The Natural Persuasion Sales (NPS) Method Coaching
(Only 10 Spots Available!)
More Time, Money, Freedom, IMPACT!
Join me (Roger Deveau) and Sales Mentor Troy Steine in this 2-on-1 coaching program to learn the exact framework to make more high-ticket sales without ever having to be 'salesy'. We'll teach you how to become the go-to authority in your market and build real credibility, all while being comfortable and staying true to yourself. Imagine having people begging to work with you and consistently sending you qualified referrals! Learn how to charge what you're worth, and say goodbye to rejection or worrying about overcoming objections.
Spots are limited! Tell us why YOU should be one of our 10 beta members.  
If you think you are a good candidate to become one of our success stories, simply fill out the quick application form and we will set up a time to chat with you and get to know you and your business a little better.
If your application is chosen, there will be a one-time investment of only
$2497 $1250 (going up to $2497 after the first 10 spots are filled).
Spots are limited! Tell us why YOU should be one of our 10 beta members.  
If you think you are a good candidate to become one of our success stories, simply fill out the quick application form and we will set up a time for a diagnostic call with you to get to know you and your business a little better and to show you the areas that will make the biggest impact in your sales.

If your application is chosen, there will be a one-time investment of only
$2497 $1250 (going up to $2497 after the first 10 spots are filled).
The Problem
With Sales
You're great at what you do, but people just aren't buying and you aren't charging what you're worth. Every month, you have to start from scratch and you never feel like you get any momentum. The existing sales tactics and trainings being taught right now may get you temporary results, but they can make you feel resentful of your business and leave you and your customers feeling uncomfortable.
We can help
With 40+ years in the sales and marketing of premium products, programs and services between them, Roger and Troy have helped clients sell hundreds of millions of dollars of their offers and products. They will work with you to develop a sales process for your business that is authentically you while allowing you to get more sales at a higher profit in just 30 days.

Roger Deveau & Troy Steine    

The Natural Persuasion Sales (NPS) Method
  • Close more sales
  • Charge what you're worth 
  • Get high-quality referrals 
  • Be true to yourself 
  • No high-pressure methods
  • Naturally build credibility
  • Build real relationships 
  • No more fear 
  • Gain clarity and confidence
You Can Be a Success Story
We are currently looking for 10 people to be the examples or case studies of what the NPS Method can do to transform your results and business. This means that right now, you can receive our 2-on-1 coaching for a much reduced investment, but you must have a product or service that makes a positive impact on people’s lives, and be willing to take massive action. We also ask that you allow us to point people to you and your business as an example of the rapid growth and results you can achieve by implementing our proven frameworks and systems.

"If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results."

-Tony Robbins
A Proven Framework
In our time together, you will get the exact frameworks and strategies that are working TODAY that have led to well over 9-figures in sales, including our complete referral system, the 7-step trusted advisor sales method, our 4 time-frame strategies to create an exceptional customer experience, the 29-day step-by-step follow-up system, and much more! Everything you need to implement the NPS Method in your business and build real momentum right away. This has been tested and proven over and over again and will greatly improve your results in your high-ticket business.
Designed to Get
You Results
Taught specifically in a way to make it as easy as possible for you to learn, and more importantly, implement. The content will build in a strategic way. There will be opportunities for active participation as well as templates and worksheets for the content. This is not just about you coming in and learning a few 'neat tricks' to help your business, this is about giving your business and your results a complete transformation and a whole new momentum. 
Personal Coaching & Guidance
Each call will allow for ample opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about your specific needs or how to implement any of the training in your business. This is not about giving you a generic 'to-do' list that you have to figure out on your own. We are going to listen to you and dive into your unique situation to make sure we give you a solution that will get you results. 
Here's What You'll Learn On The Calls


Having the right mindset towards creating an exceptional customer experience will carry you to incredible levels of success, both professionally and personally. You will leave this call with a strong self-esteem and a sense of true worth.


Everything to do BEFORE making the sale. We will work with you hands-on to show you how to prepare for a sales call so that you feel completely comfortable and everything flows smoothly and effectively. 

Sales Framework 

Learn the 7-step framework that will allow you to transform your prospects into enjoyable long-term paying clients. Once you learn this, everything changes. No more difficult discussions, no more pressure-sales, and definitely no more taking on clients that you shouldn’t be working with.

The Customer Experience

Create and implement a system for differentiating you and your services / programs from others in the marketplace, one that sets you apart in the eyes of your prospects and clients. you’ll benefit from stronger long-term sales results, positive word of mouth advertising and referrals, and you’ll be laying a foundation for repeat clients.

Follow-Up + Referrals

Get our comprehensive 29-day follow-up system. This alone will be worth the total investment for the program. We will also introduce you to our four-part system on how to consistently  E.A.R.N high-quality referrals. 

Offers & Offerings 

Learn how to create multiple products at varying price-points to make sure you can serve your clients at all levels of their journey while also building more automation into your income stream. We will also show you a simple formula to creating irresistable offers that allow you to charge what you're worth. 

Lead Generation & Traffic

One of the biggest obstacles most entrepreneurs face is figuring out how to get qualified and targeted leads and traffic. Forget about wasting a ton of time and money on ads that go nowhere or a blog that takes up all of your free time. We will show how to quickly start getting traffic and leads organically. 

Optimal Performance

We will be joined by a special guest who is going to teach us how to get ourselves operating at a level of peak performance. We will learn how to have more energy, think clearer, and have more fun in our businesses! You can have the best frameworks and strategies for your business, but if you don't have the energy to show up and implement it, you won't have a business.
Your Customers Need You
Don't waste anymore time or money. Forget all of the tactics out there teaching you to get 40 no's for a yes, to overcome objections and pressure a close, or complicated behaviour systems. Our Natural Persuasion Sales Method will transform the way you do sales forever, and both you and your customers will thank us for it.
Only 10 Spots Available 
Tell us why YOU should be one
of our 10 founding beta members.
If you think you are a good candidate to become one of our success stories, simply fill out the quick application form and we will set up a time for a diagnostic call with you to get to know you and your business a little better and to show you the areas that will make the biggest impact in your sales.

If your application is chosen, there will be a one-time investment of only $2497 $1250 (going up to $2497 after the first 10 spots are filled).
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